Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It has been aclaimed by all who matter that BRTS which has been a major failure in cities like Delhi has been a grand success in Ahmedabad and the number of passengers who are opting for BRTS is increasing day by day.  All the experts who had chipped in their expertise are all basking in glory.  But one question remains.  Has anyone cared to see whether  any person, who was previously using a two wheeler or four wheeler has shifted to BRTS?   The answer is a flat NO.    Well, the reason is that the so called success of BRTS is nothing else than the utter failure of  the Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service.  It is just the commuters who were forced to travel by AMTS who are now opting for BRTS.  The reason - the BRTS buses atleast stop at the bus stops.  When you opt for travelling by AMTS, it really is a gamble.  First of all, one has to presume in time as to where the bus driver may opt to stop - 20 feet before the bus stand, 20 feet after the bus stand, at the bus stand or well he may opt just not to stop at all.  Try asking the reason for such behaviour and you really will feel that it is the obligation of the driver and the conductor that you are sitting in the bus in the first place.

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